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Brazilian Boom


Sustainable Design


Passive Solar Design


Free Solar Energy




Design for the Future




Green Products










BRAZIL is one of the emerging economic super powers and the country has the second largest city in the world. Large São Paulo area, is the richest in business and industry of all kinds. The lifestyle is also of a city that never sleeps. The city is a centre for art and cultural events reference in the country and in all South America.


How good it would be...

 If we could live in a place

which  would be shaded,

well ventilated

and feel fresh, in summer...

At the same time,

it would be sunny,

warm and cozy,

in the cool days...


How good it would be…

If this type of place,

 would be cheaper to run...


It would be even better,

 if we could have all these things,

using natural resources,

to live in harmony

with the environment!





Car industry is one of the strongest in the country and it produces some of the most   popular international cars.

Brazil is self sufficient in almost all modern products or goods.

The country is one of the world leaders in minerals and also in manufacturing such as of   airplanes, electronics and IT software’s, shoes and textiles.

Brazil is one of the largest food producers in the world as well.

The country is today self sufficient in oil, and ethanol bio-fuel is the strongest  in the world and a reference for other nations.


However, there is a great potential for looking into alternatives and environment friendly energies.

Brazil has great market for production of eólica and solar energy because of it strategic geographic location and favorable climatic conditions.


Brazil has a significant population of university educated professionals which include women as a strong and financial independent workforce in the country.

Brazilian Medicine is up to date with the top of the range surgery techniques and treatments in the world.  





Brazilian construction industry and Real Estate market is booming, since few years before the country was chosen to host the 2014 Soccer World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games.

Brazil also has a strong industry of construction materials and related services, which was boosted by former President Lula, to heat up home loans for the low and middle class families, with the introduction of program "Minha Casa Minha Vida" (My Home, My Life).

The abundance of a diversity of raw materials provides a wide range of options and solutions for the construction industry.

Brazil has some of the best architecture in the world.   


Architect Oscar Niemeyer - Cathedral of Brasilia


Now, you can!



ViaSolare can do

such a design for you.



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